“Aunty” Lois Hardt and Aurora Orangutan
Greetings from Houston, Texas!
As this is my first COPI mission trip, I’m a bit in the dark as to what to expect during our time together, but I am anxious to get started on this mission to help children and others in Vietnam receive medical care. (Layers, right?)
My credentials? Hard work and long hours I’m used to from my public school teaching days in Houston, where I taught French; and disgustingly messy work I can stomach, having put in hundreds of
hours cleaning monkey houses and a cow barn at the Houston Zoo. The fact that my husband of 44 years and I reared three children shows that I’m flexible and determined to see things through. I’m prepared for whatever comes my way, I hope.
I see that there are among us other retired teachers; more Texans, although I grew up in Massachusetts; and even someone who lived in Minnesota. I lived near Minneapolis for 18 years. Funny how it takes a trip halfway around the world for us to get acquainted.
I’m eager to get to know you all and to spend two weeks supporting binh’s dream, and I’m especially pleased to be able to spend this time with my cousin Lynn DeHart.
(Does anyone knit, crochet, or draw?)
Yes, I crochet and knit... but I do not draw. This is binh rybacki